
UNHCR The UN's refugee agency Geneva, Switzerland

Potpuni naziv:

UNHCR The UN's refugee agency Geneva, Switzerland


Adresa:94 Rue de Montbrillant 1202
Telefon: ?? ?? ??? ????

Status, prihod, vlasništvo

Oblik svojine:

nevladine organizacije

Opis delatnosti

UNHCR, commonly known as the UN refugee agency, is mandated to lead and coordinate international action to protect and assist displaced people around the world and to help find lasting solutions for them.

Set up with modest goals in 1950, UNHCR has since helped tens of millions of people, picking up two Nobel Peace Prizes along the way for its vital humanitarian work.

For those forced to flee their homes, normally because of war or persecution, the UN refugee agency is often the last hope for a return to a normal life. Today, a staff of around 6,300 in some 120 countries help some 43.3 million people in need.
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28.02.2019.  |  Građevina

U Sremskoj Mitrovici počela izgradnja stanova za izbeglice iz Hrvatske i BiH

Kamen temeljac za izgradnju 30 stanova za izbeglice iz Bosne i Hercegovine i Hrvatske položen je u sredu (27. februara) u Sremskoj Mitrovici, a rok za njihovu izgradnju je kraj godine. Stanovi će biti izgrađeni od skoro 700.000 EUR iz donatorskog Fonda Regionalnog stambenog programa (RSP) Banke za razvoj Saveta Evrope. Grad Sremska Mitrovica izdvojio je zemljište i prateću infrastrukturu

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