Potpuni naziv:
Odgovorno lice:
Marija Desivojević-Cvetković, direktor
Opis delatnosti
All our projects have to do with buildings, whether existing or yet to
be constructed, but the emphasis always remains on their function and, more important, how people function, perform and feel at home in them. The actual construction process must be carried out expertly and reliably, and so we work with only the very best in the construction industry.
Verano Invest has selected a new approach to complex property projects, revolving around the integral project management of initial concepts via market research and leasing to realization and long-term involvement. We are a long-term partner for the users of our sites, but also for and with the local government.
We realize that our projects have a societal impact. Our society and way of living is changing which will affect our residences, workspaces, recreation and the way we are doing business. We want to conceive solutions to these changing demands.
We are a long-term investor, in buildings, in new concepts and especially, in our business relationships.
19.01.2010. | Energija, Industrija, Građevina, IT, Telekomunikacije
EKapija investicioni tim je nedavno uradio analizu i formirao rang listu investicija i investicionih ideja koje su izazvale najveće interesovanje/čitanost kod korisnika eKapije u 2009. godini. Rezultati su veoma interesantni, ima i dosta iznenađenja, tako da smo upravo zbog toga odlučili da ove informacije podelimo sa Vama. Projekti su podeljeni u 12 kategorija, a ovog puta Vam
LičnostiVidi sve
Iz kataloga roba i usluga
Izgradnja objekata - visokogradnja
Finansijski konsalting
Usluge vezane za nekretnine
Kupovina i prodaja nekretnina
Usluge agencija za nekretnine na rentnoj ili ugovornoj osnovi
Iznajmljivanje ili prodaja zgrada
Konsalting i savetovanje u inženjerstvu
Razvojne savetodavne usluge
Studija izvodljivosti, feasibility studije