


Adresa:Aleksandra Tirnanica Tirketa 3G, 11040 Beograd-Savski venac
Telefon: ??? ?? ?? ??? ???

Status, prihod, vlasništvo

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Opis delatnosti

Our Serbia-based company was established in2020 and directs its projects by adopting anenvironmentally friendly vision and missionunderstanding in the energy sector.EU HYBRID is the only address where you willreceive quality and the best service and supportin the shortest period of time before and aftersales, with our expert team which has greatknowledge about the products we represent,and with all necessary equipment.

In this sense, our company has carried out thefirst electric bus trade to Belgrade,
Serbia as a result of the cooperation with Turkey and Germany.

The designs of the buses were made accordingto the needs of the city, and we made sure thatthey are large-capacity, environmentally friendly,quiet, efficient and economical city buses.

Apart from this, our company has startedworking on electric bicycles in the Balkancountries and will soon take its place on the city streets.

Our company has developed itself rapidly withthe performance it has shown in its field andhas taken its place in the sector in a short period of time.
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13.07.2022.  |  Industrija, Saobraćaj

PRAVO IZ BUDUĆNOSTI: Zdravija okolina i efikasniji transport putnika 100% električnim autobusima

(Milica Pavlović) Kompanija EUHYBRID predstavila prvi put potpuno električni autobus na tržištu Srbije Kompanija EUHYBRID, u restoranu CROSS u Kuli WEST 65, predstavila je novi revolucionarni način kolektivnog transporta putnika. Na konferenciji za medije i prezentaciji, otkriven je, prvi u Srbiji, 100% električni autobus sa dometom od 300 kilometara. Ovaj model autobusa proizvod je