
SINTEF Project Office Belgrade

Potpuni naziv:

SINTEF Project Office Belgrade

Odgovorno lice:

Mila du Pont


Adresa:Mašinski fakultet kabinet 327 Kraljice Marije 16, 11000 Beograd
Telefon: ??? (?)?? ???? ???
Fax: ??? (?)?? ???? ???

Opis delatnosti

SINTEF is operating world-wide following its vision Technology for a better society with the aim to contribute to increased value creation improved quality of life and sustainable development. SINTEF Project Office Belgrade is spreading the same vision to the growing market in Serbia. We strive to be unambiguous and honest towards all its stakeholders and society as a whole. The three major areas of our expertise are

Technology transfer and business development
Research and development
Management consulting and training services.

In order to maintain high level of quality of outputs and at the same time to build a basis for further growth and expansion of its activities and visibility SINTEF will establish the representation office in Serbia by the end of 2008. The new organisation structure will assure overall quality will be visible and recognisable for all clients and stakeholders in Serbia
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Vidi sve

13.04.2010.  |  Vesti

Bojan Stevanović, ekonomski savetnik Srbije u Milanu

Srbija će u aprilu početi da šalje ekonomske diplomate u 28 gradova sveta. Njihov glavni zadatak biće predstavljanje Srbije kao odredišta za investicije i promovisanje izvoza i srpske robe na inostranim tržištima. Ekonomske diplomate će raditi u ambasadama i konzularnim predstavništvima Srbije u zemljama Evropske unije, zemljama regiona, SAD, Rusiji, Kini i Japanu. Za ekonomskog

Iz kataloga roba i usluga

Brokerske usluge vezane za hartije od vrednosti

Upravljanje portfoliom na berzi

Marketinške usluge

Poslovni konsalting, konsalting menadžmenta i srodne usluge

Upravljanje projektima, osim u građevinarstvu

Usluge koje pružaju specijalizovane organizacije

Specijalizovane usluge vezane za međunarodne organizacije i grupe

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