Elektroremont doo Subotica
Potpuni naziv:
Odgovorno lice:
Antun Mesaroš, Goran Patarčić
Matični broj:
Datum osnivanja:
Pretežna delatnost:
(????) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
??? (?)?? ??? ???
Status, income, ownership
Oblik svojine:
private property
Broj zaposlenih:
??? (????)
Nivo prihoda/godina:
???-??? EUR
Rast prihoda:
2 godine uzastopnog rasta prihoda
15 godina uzastopno ostvarene dobiti
2 godine uzastopnog uvećanja zaposlenih
Activity description
Remont i servis asinhronih i sinhronih mašina
Remont i servis mašina jednosmerne struje
Remont i servis mašina iz vučnog programa
Remont i servis trofaznih kolektorskih mašina
Remont i servis transformatora
Remont i servis pumpi pumpnih agregata
Remont i servis električnih uređaja
Proizvodnja rezervnih delova
Rad na terenu
11.11.2024. | Energy, Construction
Završnica revitalizacije RHE "Bajina Bašta" - Uspešno spušten rotor težak 450 tona
Revitalizacija prvog agregata reverzibilne hidroelektrane "Bajina Bašta" jedna je od najvažnijih investicija u Elektroprivredi Srbije i ovaj veliki projekat ulazi u završnicu. Rotor težak 450 tona uspešno je spušten u stator generatora, saopšteno je iz EPS-a. - Za izvođenje ove složene, višečasovne operacije bio je potreban pouzdan rad kranova, dizalica, specijalnih sajli, iskusne
Published tenders
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit Sed eget rutrum mauris In eu congue
Lorem ipsum dolor sit
Nivo godišnjeg prihoda (EUR)
Ulogujte se da biste videli potpune informacije.Broj zaposlenih
Ulogujte se da biste videli potpune informacije.Dobit (EUR)
Ulogujte se da biste videli potpune informacije.Iz kataloga roba i usluga
Mining, basic metals and related products
Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables, lighting
Electric motors, generators and transformers
Electric motors
Generating sets
Diesel-powered generator set
Parts for electrical motors and generators
Electricity distribution and control apparatus
Electrical materials
Electronic, electromechanical and electrotechnical supplies
Buses and Coaches
Spare parts for goods vehicles
Railway and tramway locomotives and rolling stock and associated parts
Rail locomotives and tenders
Diesel-electric locomotives
Diesel locomotives
Parts of railway or tramway locomotives or rolling stock, railways traffic-control equipment
Electrical signalling equipment for railways
Railway equipment
Vibration analysers
Collected and purified water
Turbine installations
Hydraulic or pneumatic power engines and motors
Lifting and handling equipment
Metal-working machining centre
Hand-held electromechanical tools
Tools, locks, keys, hinges, fasteners, chain and springs
Construction work for multi-dwelling buildings and individual houses
Construction work for houses
Sheltered housing construction work
Houses construction work
Multi-dwelling buildings construction work
Flats construction work
Construction work for electricity power lines
Wastewater pumping station
Construction work for water projects
Electrical installation work
Electrical wiring and fitting work
Electrical installation work of pumping equipment
Repair, maintenance and associated services of vehicles and related equipment
Repair and maintenance services of motor vehicles and associated equipment
Repair and maintenance services of cars
Car repair services
Repair and maintenance services of buses
Bus repair services
Bus maintenance services
Truck repair services
Truck maintenance services
Maintenance and repair services related to specific parts of vehicles
Vehicle conversion and reconditioning services
Reconditioning services of vehicles
Repair, maintenance and associated services related to railways and other equipment
Repair and maintenance services of locomotives
Reconditioning services of locomotives
Reconditioning services of passenger coaches
Repair and maintenance services of pumps
Repair and maintenance services of machinery
Repair and maintenance services of compressors
Repair and maintenance services of electrical machinery, apparatus and associated equipment
Repair and maintenance services of electric motors
Repair and maintenance services of transformers
Repair and maintenance services of generators
Repair and maintenance services of electrical distribution equipment
Installation services of electrical and mechanical equipment
Installation services of electric motors, generators and transformers
Installation services of electric motors
Installation services of electricity distribution and control equipment
Installation services of railway engines
Installation services of mining, quarrying, construction and metallurgy machinery
Installation services of construction machinery
Mechanical and electrical engineering services
Technical inspection and testing services
Packaging and related services