Radijus vektor Beograd

Srednje preduzeće

Potpuni naziv:


Odgovorno lice:

Elvira Sagdati

Matični broj:




Datum osnivanja:


Pretežna delatnost:

(????) Lorem ipsum


Adresa:Milentija Popovića 9, Sava Centar, 11070 Beograd
Telefon: ??? ?? ??? ?? ??
Fax: ??? ?? ??? ?? ??

Status, income, ownership

Oblik svojine:

private property

Broj zaposlenih:

? (????)

Nivo prihoda/godina:

???-??? EUR

Rast prihoda:



Ime firme, ???%

Activity description

Izgradnja antenskih i kablovskih distribucionih sistema. Kablovska televizija, kablovski internet, optika, IP telefonija.
Prikaži pun opis


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02.09.2020.  |  IT, Telecommunications

Preko mobilnog telefona razgovaramo 7,4 minuta, šaljemo 1,6 poruka i trošimo 199 MB dnevno

U drugom kvartalu ove godine građani Srbije prosečno su dnevno razgovarali preko mobilnog 7,4 minuta, slali 1,6 SMS-ova i trošili 199 MB širokopojasnog interneta, navodi se u Pregledu tržišta elektronskih komunikacija koje je objavio RATEL. Regulatorna agencija za elektronske komunikacije i poštanske usluge (RATEL) zabeležila je da je u ovom periodu došlo do pada broja aktivnih

Published tenders

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit Sed

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet


Iz kataloga roba i usluga

Computer equipment and supplies

Mobile telephones

Video-surveillance system


Communications network

Internet network

Network equipment

Telephone headsets

Telephone network

Surveillance system

Video identification systems

SCADA or equivalent system

Software package and information systems

Industrial control software package

Maintenance and repair of computer equipment

Repair and maintenance services of building installations

Repair and maintenance services of electrical and mechanical building installations

Mobile-telephone services

Industrial control software development services

Data network management and support services

Internet services

Provider services

Computer network services
