Lenovo USA


Adresa:1009 Think Place Morrisville,, 27560 NC - USA
Telefon:? ??? ??? ????
Fax:? ??? ??? ????

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private property

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05.03.2017.  |  IT, Telecommunications

Lenovo vraća brend Motorola

Nekada svetski poznat brend Motorola neslavno je završio kada su kineski vlasnici iz kompanije Lenovo odlučili da izbace ovaj naziv iz svojih telefona za 2016. godinu. Ipak, stvari bi se sada mogle promeniti. Kako piše Cnet, predsednik Motorole Aymar de Lencquesaing najavio je povratak brenda, a mnogi vjeruju da se pokušavaju pridružiti akciji oživljavanja sećanja na stare dobre telefone,

Iz kataloga roba i usluga

Computer equipment and supplies

Software package and information systems

Information systems

Maintenance and repair of computer equipment

Programming services of packaged software products

Information technology services

Software support services

Computer support and consultancy services

Computer network services

Other contacts

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