BPA London Limited

Potpuni naziv:

BPA London Limited

Odgovorno lice:

Paul Mills


Adresa:66 New Wanstead, London
Telefon: ?? (?)???? ??????
Fax: ?? (?)?? ???? ????

Status, income, ownership

Oblik svojine:

private property


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09.09.2010.  |  Industry, Transport, Tourism, Sports, Culture

Uskoro treći tender za JRB - "BPA London Limited" UK i "Tomić i partneri" konsultanti u privatizaciji

Posle dve neuspešne prodaje "Jugoslovenskog rečnog brodarstva" (JRB), Agencija za privatizaciju priprema novi tender. U tome će joj pomoći "BPA London Limited" UK i advokatska kancelarija "Tomić i partneri" Beograd, koji su sa "podizvođačem" preduzećem za konsalting usluge "BPA London" u Beogradu, ponovo angažovani za konsultantske usluge u postupku privatizacije. Za preduzeće

Iz kataloga roba i usluga

Financial and insurance services

Banking and investment services

Banking services

International payment transfer services

Corporate finance and venture capital services

Financial consultancy services

Advisory and consultative engineering services

Development consultancy services

Accounting and auditing services

Feasibility study