TriGranit Development Corporation Budapest

Potpuni naziv:

TriGranit Development Corporation Budapest


Adresa:Váci út 3, 1062 BUDIMPEŠTA (Budapest)
Telefon: ?? ? ??? ????
?? ? ??? ????

Status, income, ownership

Oblik svojine:

private property

Activity description

Our mission is to be THE dominant Central European
real estate company, delivering "superior returns"
to our shareholders and creating enduring
shareholder value, through the development
and management of opportunistic real estate projects.

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28.03.2014.  |  Construction, Transport, Finance

Sporan tender za izgradnju "Prokopa" - Železnička stanica iz Titovog vremena još čeka investitora

Više od 35 godina glavni grad Srbije čeka završetak radova na Železničkoj stanici Beograd Centar, poznatijoj kao "Prokop". Na poslednjem raspisanom tenderu, koji je bio otvoren 15. januara, a zaključen 28. februara, javilo se više od 30 domaćih i stranih firmi, od kojih su na kraju samo tri iznele najbolje ponude - "Energoprojekt", "Sitimont" iz Zemuna i "Bauwesen" iz Lazarevca. Kako

Iz kataloga roba i usluga

Construction work for multi-dwelling buildings and individual houses

Construction work for houses

Sheltered housing construction work

Houses construction work

Multi-dwelling buildings construction work

Flats construction work

Construction work for bridges

Bridge construction work

Bridge renewal construction work

Viaduct construction work

Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and railways, flatwork

Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services

Architectural design services

Transport systems consultancy services

Airport engineering services

Engineering design services for the construction of civil engineering works

Pipeline design services

Bridge-design services

Engineering design services for traffic installations

Other contacts

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