SquashLand Beograd - JSA Beograd
Potpuni naziv:
The Yugoslavian Squash Association - SquashLand Beograd - JSA Beograd
06.05.2014. | Industry, IT, Telecommunications, Tourism, Sports, Culture
(Čedomir Vitorović) Maratonac koji je spojio "japijevski" skvoš i "mačo" ragbi, kaže da ne bi mogao da živi bez sporta. Zato i ne čudi što je uspeh sa terena sa lakoćom preneo u IT svet. Neobičan spoj? Naš sagovornik je, čini se, na svim poljima odabrao izazove "sa suprotnih polova". Pravnik a avanturista, u poslu se trudi da ide neistraženim stazama, ali se, kada nešto počne, uvek
29.09.2008. | IT, Telecommunications
Obeleženo 9 meseci od osnivanja "Customer Contact Association Serbia"
29.09.2008. | IT, Telecommunications
01.09.2006. | Tourism, Sports, Culture
Otvoren prvi međunarodni skvoš turnir u Srbiji
01.09.2006. | Tourism, Sports, Culture
18.07.2005. | Tourism, Sports, Culture
Da li želite da igrate squash u Beogradu?
18.07.2005. | Tourism, Sports, Culture
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Iz kataloga roba i usluga
Hotel, restaurant and retail trade services
Restaurant and food-serving services
Beverage-serving services
Services provided by entertainers
Physical well-being services
Turkish bath services
Massage services
Training, workout or aerobic services