Motorola, Inc. USA
Potpuni naziv:
Motorola, Inc. USA
Status, income, ownership
Oblik svojine:
private property
Activity description
We are committed to helping you get and stay connected simply and seamlessly to the people, information and entertainment you want and need. We do this by designing and delivering "must have" products, "must do" experiences and powerful networks — with a full complement of support services as well.
A Fortune 100 company with global presence and impact, Motorola had sales of US$36.6 billion in 2007.
11.04.2018. | IT, Telecommunications
Mobilni proslavio 45. rođendan - Do 2020. broj uređaja u svetu dostići će svetsku populaciju
Mobilni telefon proslavio je 45. rođendan. Trećeg aprila 1973. godine kompanija Motorola je svetu predstavila prvi ručnoprenosivi telefon – motorola dynaTAC 8300 i pokazala način na koji radi. Prošle godine taj prapotopski mobilni telefon britanski TV program The Gadget Show proglasio je za najveći pronalazak svih vremena. - Kada sam prvi put uzeo prototip u ruke, imao sam osećaj da
11.04.2018. | IT, Telecommunications
Mobilni proslavio 45. rođendan - Do 2020. broj uređaja u svijetu dostići će svjetsku populaciju
11.04.2018. | IT, Telecommunications
17.07.2017. | Agriculture, Industry, Transport, IT, Telecommunications, Tourism, Sports, Culture
Američke kompanije Uber i John Deere zainteresovane za ulaganja u Srbiji
17.07.2017. | Agriculture, Industry, Transport, IT, Telecommunications, Tourism, Sports, Culture
12.01.2016. | IT, Telecommunications
"Lenovo" ipak ne gasi brend "Motorola"
12.01.2016. | IT, Telecommunications
12.01.2016. | IT, Telecommunications
"Lenovo" ipak ne gasi brend "Motorola"
12.01.2016. | IT, Telecommunications
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Iz kataloga roba i usluga
Radio, television, communication, telecommunication and related equipment
Mobile telephones
Radio equipment
Radio stations
Communications network
Network equipment
Telecommunications equipment and supplies
Telecommunications cable and equipment
Telephone network
Communications equipment
Construction work for communication lines
Communication and multimedia software package
Communication software package
Multimedia software package
Telecommunications services
Mobile-telephone services
Telecommunication consultancy services
Communication and multimedia software development services
Multimedia software development services
Virtual keyboard software development services