Alstom Holdings Beograd-obrisano iz registra
Potpuni naziv:
Odgovorno lice:
Biljana Miladinović
Matični broj:
Datum osnivanja:
Pretežna delatnost:
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Status, income, ownership
Oblik svojine:
private property
Activity description
16.07.2021. | Industry, Transport
Prezentaciji izgleda vagona za Beogradski metro održana je u Starom dvoru, nakon nakon čega je na platou ispred dvora emitovana 3d projekcija četiri vagona pod nazivom "Svetlost, snaga, sloboda i sigurnost". O tome kako će metro izgledati glasaće građani Beograda na sajtu Grada. Zamenik gradonačelnika Goran Vesić je naglasio da će glasanje trajati tačno dva meseca, do 15. septembra,
02.06.2011. | Construction, Transport, Finance
"Alstom" želi da gradi metro - Francuzi se bore za posao u Beogradu
02.06.2011. | Construction, Transport, Finance
03.06.2010. | Energy, Industry, Construction
Potpisan ugovor o remontu bloka termoelektrane "Kostolac B" vredan 53 mil EUR
03.06.2010. | Energy, Industry, Construction
Tender wins
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Iz kataloga roba i usluga
Electricity distribution and control apparatus
Transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation
Electric space-heating apparatus
Collected and purified water
Turbine installations
Machinery for mining, quarrying, construction equipment
Mining equipment
Rubber seals
Substation construction work
Construction works for power plants and heating plants
Heating plant construction work
Construction work for mining and manufacturing
Construction work for mining
Electrical wiring and fitting work
Electrical installation work of transformers
Software package and information systems
Repair and maintenance services of pumps
Repair and maintenance services of machinery
Repair and maintenance services of compressors
Repair and maintenance services of electrical machinery, apparatus and associated equipment
Installation services of electrical and mechanical equipment
Installation services of transformers
Installation services of electricity distribution and control equipment
Installation services of construction machinery
Drinking-water distribution
Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis
Project and design preparation, estimation of costs
Infrastructure works consultancy services
Engineering design services for mechanical and electrical installations for buildings
Heating-system design services
Electrical power systems design services
Engineering studies
Map-making services
Digital mapping services
Technical inspection and testing services
Programming services of packaged software products
Research and development services and related consultancy services
Development consultancy services
Pre-feasibility study & technological demonstration - Military Research & Technology
Feasibility study