Aeroflot Moscow
Potpuni naziv:
Aeroflot Moscow
Status, income, ownership
Oblik svojine:
private property
Activity description
In June of 2000 by the decision of shareholders during the general annual meeting airline acquired a title JSC “Aeroflot-Russian Airlines”, which better corresponds to the status and profile of the national air carrier of the Russian Federation.
Open joint-stock company “Aeroflot-Russian Airlines” was founded in July 1992. The founder of the company is the Government of the Russian Federation, which owns 51% of the company’s shares, 49% of the shares are owned by the employees of the airline and other legal entities.
The highest administration body of the Company during the intervening period between annual shareholders’ meetings is a Board of Directors.
Airline employs more than 15,000 people, including 2,000 flight specialists; more than 500 of them are aircraft commanders.
In 2006 year the airline transported 7 million 290 thousand passengers and 145.3 thousand tons of mail and freights. The company performed 22 billion 406 million passenger-kilometers and 2 billion 885 million tonne-kilometers. The occupation ratio of passenger seats in 2006 amounted in general to 70.1%, the ratio of the revenue load was 57.7%.
Aeroflot disposes of the largest air traffic control center in Eastern Europe. The whole process of aircraft control is automated and it functions in real time, which allows to provide a high safety of the flights (99,95%) and meets the level of the most reliable airlines in the world.
The priority goals for the airline are:
Providing flight safety;
Improvement of service quality for Aeroflot clients on the ground and on board of the aircrafts as well;
Development of the business structure and improvement of efficiency in the company;
Strengthening of the financial positions on domestic and international air carriages markets.
02.06.2021. | Transport
Aeroflot svakodnevno na liniji Dubrovnik-Moskva
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16.08.2020. | Finance
Rast oba indeksa i pad prometa obilježili sedmicu na Montenegroberzi
16.08.2020. | Finance
11.08.2020. | Transport
Ruski Aeroflot pomera početak saobraćaja - Letovi do Beograda tek od kraja oktobra
11.08.2020. | Transport
Iz kataloga roba i usluga
Control tower equipment
Repair and maintenance services of cars
Air transport services
Hire of air transport equipment with crew
Hire of aircraft with crew
Travel agency and similar services
Sale of travel tickets and package tours services
Transport agency services
Support services for air transport
Airport operation services
Air-traffic control services
Management-related services