Potpuni naziv:
INTEREUROPA, Globalni logistični servis, delniška družba, Vojkovo nabrežje 32, KOPER, SLOVENIJA
Odgovorno lice:
ANDREJ LOVŠIN, Predsednik uprave kompanije
Matični broj:
Status, income, ownership
Oblik svojine:
private property
05.02.2020. | Industry, Transport, Finance, IT, Telecommunications
Pošta Slovenije preuzela dobanovački AD Intereuropa
Pošta Slovenije uspela je da preuzme 24,49% akcija i dostigla je 98,11% vlasništva u dobanovačkom AD Intereuropa - Logističke usluge, objavljeno je danas na Beogradskoj berzi. Ponuda za preuzimanje akcija trajala je do 3. februara, a za 4.672 akcije plaćeno je 57.192 dinara, navodi se u dokumentu. Prema berzanskim podacima najvišu cenu akcija od 56.800 dinara Intereuropa je zabeležila
09.09.2019. | Transport, Finance, IT, Telecommunications
Slovenskoj pošti odobreno preuzimanje Intereurope
09.09.2019. | Transport, Finance, IT, Telecommunications
09.09.2019. | Transport, Finance, IT, Telecommunications
Pošta Slovenije, preko kompanije Intereuropa, ulazi na tržište Srbije
09.09.2019. | Transport, Finance, IT, Telecommunications
10.05.2019. | Industry, Transport, Finance, IT, Telecommunications
Intereuropa prodata Pošti Slovenije
10.05.2019. | Industry, Transport, Finance, IT, Telecommunications
09.04.2019. | Industry, Transport, Finance, IT, Telecommunications
Pošta Slovenije preuzima logističku grupu Intereuropa?
09.04.2019. | Industry, Transport, Finance, IT, Telecommunications
Published tenders
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Iz kataloga roba i usluga
Container-handling equipment
Construction work for warehouses
Warehouse stores construction work
Transport services
Road transport services
Hire of goods-transport vehicles with driver
Hire of trucks with driver
Railway transport services
Public transport services by railways
Air transport services
Water transport services
Supporting and auxiliary transport services, travel agencies services
Container handling services
Storage and warehousing services
Freight transport agency services
Transport document preparation services
Support services for land, water and air transport
Port operation services
Waterway operation services
Postal services
Port management services