Industrija mesa a.d. Zlatibor
05.03.2018. | Agriculture, Industry, Transport, Finance
Export of beef to Turkey begins
05.03.2018. | Agriculture, Industry, Transport, Finance
10.01.2018. | Agriculture, Industry, Finance
Beef for Turkey via Zlatibor – Export of 5,000 tons of meat to start in late January 2018
10.01.2018. | Agriculture, Industry, Finance
07.06.2010. | Agriculture, Finance
Meat industry BEK returns to market
07.06.2010. | Agriculture, Finance
31.05.2008. | Agriculture, Industry
Food manufacturers on Russian market - Serbian products in Russian "Metro"
31.05.2008. | Agriculture, Industry
24.07.2007. | Agriculture
Five slaughter houses were given licenses for export to EU
24.07.2007. | Agriculture
19.10.2006. | Agriculture, Finance
For approval of licences for meat exporting to the European Union have applid 5 slaughtering houses
19.10.2006. | Agriculture, Finance
11.02.2006. | Agriculture
Why did meat industry Zlatibor Čajetina lose license for export of meat to EU ?
11.02.2006. | Agriculture