Potpuni naziv:

Radnja za ostale uslužne aktivnosti HIDRO POOL Novi Sad

Odgovorno lice:

Dušan Jovanović

Matični broj:




Datum osnivanja:


Pretežna delatnost:

(????) Lorem ipsum


Adresa:Episkopa Visariona 1, 21000 Novi Sad
Telefon: ??? (?)?? ???????

Status, income, ownership

Oblik svojine:


Activity description

Instalacija mašina i aparata za filtriranje i pročišćavanje vode,
Prečišćavanje otpadnih voda,
Popravka i održavanje mašina,
Popravka i održavanje pumpi za tečnost,
Popravka i održavanje pumpi, ugradnja,
Popravka i održavanje precizne opreme i mehanike,
Popravka i održavanje aparata za merenje, testiranje i proveru,
Hidrometeorološke usluge,
Popravka i održavanje kompresora,
Delovi za pumpe za doziranje
Prikaži pun opis

Iz kataloga roba i usluga

Sports goods and equipment

Hydraulic or pneumatic power engines and motors

Non-domestic floor polishers

Construction work for multi-dwelling buildings and individual houses

Construction work for houses

Sheltered housing construction work

Houses construction work

Multi-dwelling buildings construction work

Flats construction work

Heat-transfer station construction work

Construction works for power plants and heating plants

Heating plant construction work

District-heating plant construction work

Other building completion work

Repair and maintenance services of pumps

Repair and maintenance services of liquid pumps

Repair and maintenance services of machinery

Repair and maintenance services of electrical machinery, apparatus and associated equipment

Installation services of mechanical equipment

Installation services of machinery and equipment

Installation services of machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying water

Operation of a water-purification plant

Mechanical engineering services

Cleaning services

Window-cleaning services

Facility related sanitation services

Beach services

Textile-cleaning services