Tehnicom Computers d.o.o. Beograd
Potpuni naziv:
Odgovorno lice:
Zorica Lazarević
Matični broj:
Datum osnivanja:
Pretežna delatnost:
(????) Lorem ipsum
Status, income, ownership
Oblik svojine:
private property
Broj zaposlenih:
? (????)
Nivo prihoda/godina:
???-??? EUR
Activity description
Tehnicom Computers nudi
Hardverska rešenja
Inženjering konsalting projektovanje elektroenergetskih telekomunkacionih i signalnih instalacija nadzor i izvođenje instalacija
Mrežne i komunikacione tehnologije implementacija vođenje projekta puštanje sistema u rad održavanje i nadogradnja konsalting
Sigurnosna rešenja IBM ISS rešenja Cisco i SonicWall rešenja Microsoft tehnologije TrendMicro i Bitdefender tehnologije
Softver i konsalting sistemski aplikativni bezbednosni specijalni softver
Servis personalnih računara servera štampača
Web aplikacije i Internet prezentacije programiranje i dizajn upravljanje sadržajem konsalting grafički dizajn
Tehnicom Business Solution implementacija poslovnih rešenja razvoj informacionih sistema po zahtevu kupca
Web solution je deo kompanije Tehnicom Computers specijalizovan za razvoj web aplikacija kao i za projektovanje i dizajn infrastrukture za IT i komunikacione tehnologije. Pruža sledeće usluge
Application development
Solution providing
Selling IT equipment
Consulting in the field of information and communication technologies
Project design and implementation on telecommunication and power systems
Service and support
Share in companies
17.06.2013. | IT, Telecommunications, Healthcare
Srpski softveraši napravili aplikaciju za danskog farmaceutskog giganta "Biogen IDEC"
Renomirana srpska softverska kuća "Tehnicom Solutions" (www.tehnicomsolutions.com) izradila je za danskog farmaceutskog giganta "Biogen IDEC" mobilnu aplikaciju "MS Dagbog". Kako je saopštio "Tehnicom Solutions", ova neobična aplikacija je namenjena vlasnicima "Apple" i Android telfona, koji pate od multiple skleroze. Reč je zapravo o aplikaciji koja pomaže pacijentima u redovnom uzimanju
06.06.2013. | IT, Telecommunications
Program pronalazi poslovne partnere - Veliki porast upotrebe specijalizovanog softvera
06.06.2013. | IT, Telecommunications
19.12.2012. | Energy, IT, Telecommunications
U Beogradu dodeljene nagrade "Diskobolos" za upotrebu savremenih tehnologija
19.12.2012. | Energy, IT, Telecommunications
Iz kataloga roba i usluga
Printed matter and related products
Security-type printed matter
Driving license
ID cards
Various office equipment and supplies
Overhead projectors
Office supplies
Facsimile ribbons
Small office equipment
Printing paper
Photocopier paper and xerographic paper
Photocopier paper
Self-copy paper
Paper duplicator stencils
Continuous paper for computer printers
Computer equipment and supplies
Portable computers
Scanners for computer use
Display screens
Printers and plotters
Read writer digital versatile disc (DVD)
Compact disk (CD) and digital versatile disk (DVD) reader and/or burner
Computer keyboards
Uninterruptible power supplies UPS
Electrical materials
Radio, television, communication, telecommunication and related equipment
Multimedia equipment
Video equipment
Video-surveillance system
Sound equipment
Telecommunications equipment and supplies
Telecommunications cable and equipment
Communications equipment
Surveillance system
Video identification systems
Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl glasses)
Meteorological instruments
Measuring instruments
Checking and testing apparatus
Electron microscopes
Scanning electron microscopes
Transmission electron microscope
Ion and molecular microscopes
Monocular microscopes
Laboratory microscope replacement bulbs
Digital cameras
Apparatus for photographic laboratories
Photographic enlargers
Apparatus and equipment for developing film
Air-conditioning appliances
Parts of air-conditioning machines
Refrigerated showcases
Ventilation equipment
Laboratory centrifuges and accessories
Refrigerated containers
Construction work for multi-dwelling buildings and individual houses
Construction work for houses
Sheltered housing construction work
Houses construction work
Multi-dwelling buildings construction work
Flats construction work
Construction work for sports facilities
Multi-purpose sports facilities construction work
Construction work in connection with structures for sports ground
Sports hall construction work
Buildings of particular historical or architectural interest
Pipelaying construction work
Construction work for communication lines
Flatwork for miscellaneous sports installations
Repair work on sports fields
Building installation work
Electrical installation work
Plumbing and sanitary works
Ventilation and air-conditioning installation work
Ventilation installation work
Air-conditioning installation work
Installation work of cooling equipment
Plumbing and drain-laying work
Other building completion work
Restoration work
Software package and information systems
Network operating system software package
Security software package
Virus protection software package
Anti-virus software package
Maintenance and repair of computer equipment
Repair and maintenance services of building installations
Repair and maintenance services of electrical and mechanical building installations
Repair and maintenance services of cooler groups
Telecommunications services
Public-telephone services
Mobile-telephone services
Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
Architectural design services
Supervision of building work
Supervision of project and documentation
Building-inspection services
Engineering design services for mechanical and electrical installations for buildings
Electrical power systems design services
Technical control services
Site-investigation services
Construction supervision services
Construction-site supervision services
Construction management services
Technical testing, analysis and consultancy services
Monitoring and control services
Programming services of packaged software products
Security software development services
File security software development services
Data security software development services
Anti-virus software development services
Information technology services
Software support services
World wide web WWW site design services
Computer network services
Sports fields maintenance services
Business and management consultancy and related services
Project-supervision services other than for construction work
Adult-education services at university level