Spa resorts and climatic places at 29th International Tourism Fair
(Rusanda Spa)
At this-year, 29th International Tourism Fair, which is held from April 26 to 29 at the Belgrade Fair, the health care offer and all other kinds of tourist services will be represented by 33 spa resorts and more than 50 exhibitors.
On the space of 600 square meters, the Association of Spa Resorts and Climatic Places of Serbia will represent the new medical programs, which have already been applied in our spa resorts and climatic centers, numerous relaxation programs, renovated lodging capacities, as well as all specific features of spa resorts in the use of natural medicinal factor.
Besides large spa resorts and climatic centers, the offer, new programs and lodging capacities will also be represented by some smaller spas, such as Selters, Lukovska Spa, Rusanda... In addition to classical treatments, most spa resorts will also offer modern wellness programs. During the Fair, all exhibitors will offer their services with the discount.