Shareholders of Mlekara Subotica adopted decision of merging to Imlek
At the meeting held November 4, shareholders of Mlekara Subotica adopted decisions of statutory changes of merging to Imlek company with majority of votes.
Apart from that, following activities with respect to temporary halt in share trading,
halt of public company existence as such and withdraw of shares from regulated market
were approved. All decisions were adopted with 2.008.693 votes for while only
455 voted agaist. As Sinteza Invest Group reminds, the Supervisory Board of
Mlekara made previously decision that merge of shares is done in 2,8 ratio for
a share of Imlek.
As of the beginning of the year, the shares went up by 45% and based on
yesterday’s price of RSD1.599, the company is estimated at RSD 3,66 billion (EUR
30,5 m).