Tatjana Mamula, Masmi Beograd
Tatjana Mamula was born on September 22nd 1964. She graduated in 1987. on School Of Economics, Department Of Marketing in Zagreb. Her master degree she earned in Belgrade on FON, 1999. With master thesis "Methods And Techniques of Marketing Research". She didn’t stop there with her education and in 2007. She got her PhD with “Implementation of set of marketing metrics indicators for brand/product and service/ evaluation”, also in Belgrade, at FON.
She has started her working experience in PLIVA company as planner and analyst. Company MARK-PLAN and research position follows till January 1995 when she becomes director of PARTNER BBSS. In two years Tatjana Mamula transferred in agency Strategic Marketing in Serbia as marketing director. Since march 2001 she is director in agency for market research MASMI in Belgrade.
Tatjana took a part in many conferences as lecturer and participant. She is expert in brand management.