Agricultural products export to Russia doubled
The export of agricultural products from Serbia to Russia this year will total USD 300 and 350 m, which is double than last year, the Russian ambassador in Belgrade, who said goods exchange between Russia and Serbia this year will increase by some 27% said.
Cepurin said he expects that in 2015 the exchange scope will increase.
Upon setting up new lines at the station in Krnjaca, he said to journalists that on the other hand, Russia will this year generate fall in exchange with EU of 5%.
Cepurin reminded Serbia has free trade agreement with Russia and that it did not impose any sanctions to Russia.
He outlined there is a number of fields where cooperation can develop, for instance in energy or agriculture.
Cepurin said free trade agreement implies certain exceptions and that Russian side is ready to consider in the next period cancellation in order to promote cooperation between Serbia and Russia.