Merger of Tax Administration and Customs Administration ahead?
Namely, the Serbian government has appointed Dragana Markovic from the Security Information Agency (BIA) as the acting director of the Tax Administration, but only for six months, during which the prime minister of Serbia is expected to make final decision on how this service will operate in the future.
The merger of these two services would get them to use a new unique database, while the number of managers they employ would be significantly reduced. According to Blic, the model would be similar to the one applied in the Netherlands. If the prime minister opts for this solution, there will be no need to hold an open competition for the director's job. In case he decides that the Tax Administration should continue to operate as an independent body within the Finance Ministry, this institution will then get the director with a five-year term.
Marko Marinkovic, deputy director of the Tax Administration since August 2014, will keep his post. He said in a statement to Blic that he fully supported the appointment of his former colleague from BIA as his superior.
- She will enjoy my full support - says Marinkovic.