Air space of Serbia in European system

Source: Novosti Thursday, 01.01.1970. 14:25

COLLECTING OF PAYMENT for services of use of air space of Serbia will start on Sunday (July 1, 2007), directly from the headquarters of European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation "Eurocontrol", in Brussels.

- After signing "Eurocontrol" convention, on July 1, 2005, and with this decision of the Committee of European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation about our admission into the unique system, Serbia has been completely integrated into this European organization - says Dragoljub Trgovčević, acting manager of the Civil Aviation Directorate. - Thus, it has been confirmed that we are the state whose aviation administration is based on the principles and standards of European Union and that is a significant step Serbia took towards joining EU.

Trgovčević adds that the delegations of the Civil Aviation Directorate of Serbia and common Flight Control Agency of Serbia and Montenegro informed "Eurocontrol" Committee, at the meeting in Brussels on June 14, that our country had fulfilled all conditions for admission into the unique system, which was followed by the official decision.

- That, practically, means that Europe confirmed that Serbia applied European regulations that ensure safe, secure, efficient and ecologically clean air space and that the expenses of air traffic services were formed on the basis of the standards of European Union - Trgovčević points out. - For the first time ever, "Eurokontrol" Committee decided that two independent countries, Serbia and Montenegro, have common price for these services.

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