Export of Serbian Fiat within mutual quota - The number of cars from Kragujevac to Russia equals to the number of Lada cars to Serbia
Russia could support the request of Serbia to be enabled customs-free import of fiat passenger vehicles but within mutual quota, the assistant minister for economic development, Jelena Laksina, said.
- Taking into an account addressing of Serbia to, within effective agreement on
free trade, be enabled with limited customs-free import of fiat passenger
vehicles produced in Serbia to the Russian Federation, responsible Russian
resources think it is possible to support request within mutual quota – she said
in written announcement for the Sputnjik
Srbija website.
Laskina added that implementation of request of Serbia needs additional consideration
with states-members of the Euro-Asian Council, reminding that the issue was presented
for consideration to the Euro-Asian Council.
"Radio-Television of Serbia" (RTS) je yesterday announced that in Serbia there has still no official importer for Russian vehicles.
Since it is an export within mutual quota, it was announced that Russian vehicles at our market will be cheaper by 15% and it is expected they can be serious competitors in the class of up to EUR 10.000.
In order to carry out exchange of cars between us and Russia without halts, process of alignment of standards for both markets remains which means these vehicles cannot be taken of the stock but they have to be made after in line with specifications fo that both parties have a lot of work.