The end of June to see solving problematic loans issue
May 22 saw the Ministry of Finance holding the first meeting of the Working group for development of the Strategy for solving problematic loans issues which should be completed by the end of June.
The task of the Working group will be to monitor implementation of the Strategy and in line with the needs and circumstances, propose its adaptation so that authorities and institutions could implement it in practice, the Ministry of Finance announced.
The meeting was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Justice, National Bank of Serbia, Deposit Insurance Agency, International Monetary Fund, World Bank and International Financial Corporation as well as Hired legal consultants on development of the Strategy.
The objective of the working group is to develop the Strategy for solving problematic loans issues according to previously done analysis of the existing legal framework and based on which it will be identified whether there are relevant legal and bylaw provisions which enable solving problematic i.e. difficult to pay or non-payable loans which business banks approved to firms and citizens in Serbia.