Aspirin celebrates 110th birthday
Aspirin celebrates 110th birthday today. In 1897, German chemist Felix Hoffmann synthetized pure and stable acetylsalicyl acid and, in that way, invented aspirin.
At first, Aspirin was sold in form of powder, but people were complaining that they were getting worthless powder matters on some places. Therefore, scientists soon developed a pill of 500 mg, which was then sold in that form all around the world without possibility of falsification.
In that time, Aspirin was used as a medicament against pains. Today, it is taken by millions of people as a prophylaxis for bloos vessels diseases. By preventing creation of polyps in the intestines, Aspirin decreases the risk of colon cancer by 40%, and it can also prevent breast cancer, leukemia and lung cancer under certain conditions.
It has great importance in treatment of diabetes of type 2, because it lowers the level of sugar and prevents hyperglicemy, and its universality is confirmed by the hypotheses about deceleration of development of asthma at adult age.