These are top alcohol-drinking countries
Austria ranks second, followed by another Baltic country -Estonia, while the Czech Republic is the fourth on the list with an annual consumption of 12 liters of alcohol per capita.
According to OECD, countries where the least alcohol is consumed are Indonesia, Turkey and India (less than a liter per capita per year), followed by Israel with 1 to 3 liters of alcohol consumed per capita per year.
OECD notes that alcohol consumption grew substantially in the period 2000-2013 with the best examples being Lithuania, Poland and Russia.
OECD analysis show that hazardous drinking and heavy episodic drinking are on the rise in young people and women especially. Men of low socioeconomic status are more likely to drink heavily than those of a higher socioeconomic status, while the opposite is observed in women. The 20% heaviest drinkers in Hungary consume about 90% of all alcohol consumed, while in France the share is about 50%, it is said in the report.
For this report, OECD took into consideration only the consumption of drinks containing more than 20% of alcohol by people over the age of 15.