"Serbian Association of Managers" on public discussion about Sustainable Development Strategy of Serbia
"Serbian Association of Managers" (SAM) will participate in the public discussion about draft of Serbia's Sustainable Development Strategy.
Zlatko Šćepanović will speak on behalf of SAM and, as SAM announced, the Strategy contains some good ideas that are important to this association and for development of Serbian economy. SAM has expressed expectation that it will be able to cooperate with the team that works on preparation of this document in the future.
As the first answer to priorities of the Sixth action plan for environment of European Union, aware of the fact that large funds will be invested in environment protection in the process of admission of Serbia into EU, Republic of Serbia has designed the draft of the Sustainable Development Strategy.
Public discussaion about draft of the Sustainable Development Strategy will be held within the scope of the accompanying events of the sixth Ministerial conference that will be held in Belgrade between October 10 and 12. The draft of the Strategy will be presented in hotel "Continental" on October 10 at 1 PM.