Low-cost companies to land at smaller airports in Serbia
- Nikola Tesla aiprot is a primary airport and it is not the practice in the world to be used by low cost companies. They do not belong here but at secondary airports – Ilic said an the Ministry of air traffic at the Ministry of construction, traffic and infrastructure announced.
Ilic added that "Aerodromi Srbije was et up so that smaller airports in Serbia would operate. According to him, Nis-based airport is also grouped as smaller one.
Ilic said it si plan that soon apart from Aerodromi Srbije, as an operator, Morava airport at Kraljevo is put into operation which will “get a special importance when section of Corridor 11 at Preljina is completed, since it is near”.
Ilic said the basic task of new company Aerodromi Srbije is to manage, develop and maintain future airports which should be included in the company network. There are 22 registered airports in Serbia, Ilic said, and some of them with an artificial land which are not used often.
Aerodromi Srbije will start operating in the first half of February, it was decided at the meeting of the Government of Serbia.