Most serious solution for "Karađorđevo" offered by "Mega Trend" University, "MK Commerce" without social program
These days, the Government of Serbia will make decision on destiny of “Karađorđevo”. At the moment, the most serious solution seems to be the offer of “Mega Trend” University from Belgrade that offered € 750,000 for rental of entire property on period of 20 years.
Company would oblige itself to start the production again on agricultural farms and not to dismiss employees. Farms could be some kind of experimental lands, on which students from that University could get practical training. Besides, "Mega Trend" obliged to award fellowships to 120 students – children of the employees in next 20 years. If anyone thinks about renting “Karađorđevo”, he or she will face poor financial condition and debt of 380 million CSD and surplus manpower. But with certain investments, new temporary owners could very soon activate agricultural production on about 4,000 ha and rehabilitate, once famous, horse farm, attractive hunting area.
Besides "Mega Trend", a large sum of about € 900,000 has been offered by "MK Commerce". Unofficially, it is not the final offer, but that company does not offer adequate social program. (subscribe to Pregled