"Energoprojekt" builds new subway station in Alma Ata - 32m EUR
- Building company "Energoprojekt" has signed 32m EUR worth of contract on construction of the second subway
station in Kazakhstan’s city of Alma Ata - said the CEO of that company, Vladan Pirivatrić.
Pointing out that Alma Ata is currently building the system that
includes six subway stations, Pirivatrić pointed out that "Energoprojekt"
had successfully completed one subway station in that city, after it won on the
international tender, which was the best recommendation for this company to be entrusted with construction of the second station.
- Construction of the second station includes construction works in the underground, and we are moving right away from the first building site to the new one. Deadline for completion of works is 2 years and if do a good job, like we did on the first site, we expect to get to build the next station - Pirivatrić pointed out.