Zurich – most expensive city for love

Source: Tanjug Monday, 08.05.2017. 13:37
(Photo: Andrey Bayda/shutterstock.com)
Going out in Zurich, the banking center of Switzerland, costs around USD 195.90, thanks to which the city has placed first on the list of cities where it's most expensive to go out for the second year in a row, says a special report by Deutsche Bank.

The price can include taxi service, dinner for two, non-alcoholic drinks, movie theater tickets and several beers. Jim Reid and Sukanto Chanda of Deutsche Bank therefore advise the citizens of Zurich to choose their partners carefully and marry young, so as to reduce expenditures.

The list also includes Oslo, Tokyo, Amsterdam, New York, Brussels, London, Sydney, Paris and Hong Kong.

The research aims to provide insight into whether the exchange rate adjusts to great differences in prices or not, as conventional economic theory predicts it should.

The top spot on the list should show investors and future lovers that a country's strong currency means that prices seem exorbitant to its European neighbors.

Paris has placed 17th on the list, and the cheapest among the 47 cities are Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta and Manila. Five beers and two pack of cigarettes cost USD 75 in Oslo and Melbourne, 119% more than in Manhattan. The same products are the cheapest in the Czech Republic and South Africa.
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