Apple introduces Serbian dial-in number
However, it seems that our relationship is changing. Apple has recently introduced two-factor authentication using phone number, which was not possible for domestic users, Startit writes. For now, everything remains like this, because Serbian AppStore still does not exist, but this can be a positive signal.
Three key issues
There is no Serbia in the Apple universe although iPhone has been officially
sold for 2 years. Since this is one of the largest companies in the world, this
is not an unimportant thing.
Registration of domestic developers – So that domestic developers and IT companies that sell their apps to Apple users all over the world could have all the services, they must register in another country. Currently, they can easily monetize these applications, but it's a challenge when local developers pay something to Apple, like conference cards, and so on.
In these situations, local developers must call a contact center, which then changes their location to a neighboring country and then everything is ok.
Serbia's lack of authentication — you cannot register your phone number, address, card, etc.
Lack of a local AppStore store is a problem on demand side and monetization of locally-oriented applications. This makes it more difficult for users to use (because it is not very intuitive to enter another country when one enters payment details, especially with the state of current distrust of population in internet payments, etc.) and reduces initiative for creating localized applications.
However, it can also be easily linked to local online shopping market development, which Apple has contributed to in many other countries.