Tigar and D-Company interested in cooperating with Finland’s Teknikum Group

Source: eKapija Friday, 08.06.2018. 08:27
Illustration (Photo: PORTRAIT IMAGES ASIA BY NONWARIT/shutterstock.com)Illustration
Representatives of Tigar a.d, D-Company and Free Zone Pirot met in Finland this Wednesday, June 6, 2018, with the management of the company Teknikum Group and visited two of their factories for the production of rubber-technical goods for clients worldwide.

As announced by Free Zone Pirot, the production is very compatible with the programs in Tigar a.d. and D-Company, which creates the possibility of cooperation between these companies, it was said at the meeting, at which a return visit by a delegation of Teknikum, for the purpose of a more detailed introduction to the technical capacities and the equipment of Serbian companies and a potential beginning of cooperation by the end of the current year, was proposed. As said, Tigar is the biggest exporter from Serbia to Finland.

The press release adds that representatives of Pirot-based companies also met this Thursday, June 7, 2018, with the management of the Chamber of Commerce of Tampere, on which occasion the participation of the Regional Chamber of Commerce of Pirot in the Contractors Fair this September was agreed, to the end of creating the opportunity for the economy of the Pirot area to take part in big contracts of Finnish enterprises, get profitable jobs and realize a foreign exchange inflow.

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