Italians to buy land for construction of three mini hydroelectric power plants in municipality of Priboj
- Italian company "Hidro-one" has started buying land in municipality of Priboj where about 4m EUR worth of three mini hydroelectric power plants of about 2.8 MW will be built – Lazar Rvović, the Mayor of that municipality, said today (April 24, 2009).
- This is the first contract on foreign investment in Priboj. I believe that it will signify the beginning of more intensive presence of foreign investors in this area – said Rvović.
Rvović reminded that he had signed the contract for construction of hydroelectric power plants with Enrike Fiorentino, the owner of the Italian company, about ten days ago.
According to the plan, following the design of the project dossier, three hydroelectric power plants will be built on the Ljutina river in one year, while the special agreement anticipates the partner’s investment in construction of hydroelectric power plant on the Uvac river.
The mini electric plants will be built by local building companies, while local community Sastavci will get a series of infrastructural facilities.
- The municipal budget will be receiving certain percentage of money from the electricity sales – said Rvović.