"Zorka Keramika" to invest 750,000 EUR in energy-saving systems
Šabac-based factory of wall and floor tiles "Zorka Keramika" announced today (December 10, 2009) that the introduction of the energy-saving system had started and that 750,000 EUR would be invested in it.
A member of the company's Administrative Board, Petar Stejkal, said to the press that the new system would reduce energy consumption by 15% and air pollution in the vicinity of the factory.
- Production of tiles has been discontinued for eight days because of the first phase of introduction of the system, and the works will be resumed in spring 2010. The whole process will be finished prior to year 2013 and total of 750,000 EUR will be invested in it - said he.
Stejkal said that large quantity of energy was consumed in the production of ceramic tiles due to baking of ceramics, so that saving of energy was necessary.
Šabac-based factory "Zorka Keramika" was bought in 2002 by "Alas holding", a member of Austrian system "Asamer", and over 14.5m EUR have been invested in the factory to the date.
Dnevno se u toj fabrici proizvede 15.000 m2 podnih i zidnih pločica.
Fabrika "Zorka Keramika" polovinu proizvodnje izvozi na tržišta Bosne i Hercegovine (BiH), Makedonije, Crne Gore, Hrvatske, Austrije.