Traffic and new economic zones as Belgrade's development priorities - changes in General Land-utilization Plan prior to 2021 presented
The conclusion from the meeting that was held yesterday (December 10, 2009) in the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia is that the priorities in development of Belgrade are resolving of the problem of traffic and defining of new economic zones. The subjects of the meeting were changes and supplements to the General Land-utilization Plan (GUP) of Belgrade prior to 2021, as well as the position towards the new Law on Planning and Construction.
- We have noticed the need for opening new locations for economic zones and, by putting the new Law on Planning and Construction in effect, we have obtained 1,800 ha of new building land that is going to get a new purpose. Namely, according to the General Land-utilization Plan, that land will be turned into economic parks - said Žaklina Gligorijević, the Director General of the City Planning Institute.
She also pointed out that, in addition to economic capacities, the new plan anticipated construction of new housing capacities.
Jovan Urošević, the GUP Design Manager in the City Planning Institute, is of the opinion that the essential changes will be introduced alongside the route of Highway E-75 and in the zone of the road to Pančevo, as well as in large transit junctions where new economic parks will be built, which will, thus, obtain direct contact with the main junctions and agricultural zones.
Relocation of freight and transit traffic from the city core will lead to opening of new routes for transportation of dangerous freight, which will go through Pančevo and Vinča instead of central city streets.