How USA fights computer crime ?
By organizing lecture on theme "Computer Crime", the Center for Computer Science and Electronic Operations of Chamber of Commerce of Serbia and "MICROSOFT" made it possible for the interested to gain information on means of the American legislature for fight against the violators in domain of intellectual property, hacking, virus expansion and various abuses that endanger safety of functioning of INTERNET, on methods for discovery and stopping of culprits.
Illustrative lecture of the leading world expert in this field Mr Jason Gull, from the Computer Crime&Intellectual property Section of the Department of Justice of USA (;, was attended by the local experts in the afforementioned field from federal and republic agencies, public companies and economy.
Endangered intellectual property rights - copyrights (various forms of piracy), trademarks (forgeries), trade secrets (industrial espionage) and patents (copying) are the consequences that are east to explain by one of the strongest motivs of criminals – big and easy money. The violators whose field of interest is electronic communications has the same impulse – unauthorized access to computer system for collecting and announcement of data with the purpose of realization of irregular profit. Special kind of people are so-called virus lovers whose activities endangers functioning of computer traffic.
It is interesting that they had three members when they started to work in 1991, whereas now they have 36 lawyers in federal office, while 1,000 employees work in 93 regional offices.
The network includes many other institutions, such as FBI, Customs, CIA, postal inspectorate, Police, border services, prosecutor’s office, judiciary...
Punishing policy of America implies sentence of up to 3 years in prison for the first violation of that kind, whereas, if repeated, the sentence is doubled.