Serbia, Three domestic companies take part in competition for cigarette production licenses, this time without foreigners
Within 15 days from the day of annunciation of Public Invitation for participation in tender for issuing of licenses to potential manufacturers of tobacco products (February 11, 2005), tender documentation was bought by three companies - Tobacco Industry Senta, Tobacco Industry Bujanovac and Inđija-based Monus company.
In following 30 days, all those who purchased tender documentation should submit their bids, whereas Tobacco Agency will inform all bidders on place and time of the opening of the bids three days before the opening, at the latest. Afterwards, Tender Commission will determine order of bids within 15 days from the day the bids are opened, at the latest. Tender Commission will deliver final list to Administrative Board of Tobacco Agency three days from the day of conclusion of final tender list, at the latest.