Turkish Erenli to Get Nearly EUR 4 Million from State for Construction of Facility in Leskovac

Source: Nova ekonomija Friday, 13.05.2022. 08:33
Illustration (Photo: Vasily Smirnov/shutterstock.com)Illustration
To the Turkish company Erenli, which operates in Leskovac, the state of Serbia will allocate EUR 3.78 million in incentives for the construction of a facility for the production of circulation systems for the automotive industry.

The agreement on the allocation of incentives was signed between the Ministry of Economy and the company Erenli doo Leskovac.

Erenli is obliged by contract to give full employment to at least 338 new workers by the end of 2025, and to invest in material and non-material resources of the company in the same period in the amount of at least EUR 16.6 million (of which 25% of the investment must be financed from their own funds).

The funds will be paid in four tranches, the first in 2023 and the last in 2026.

The application for aid was submitted in mid-June last year, and the Council for Economic Development approved the aid on February 18.

At the moment the application for incentives was submitted, Erenli had one employee, the agreement says.

The company Erenli in Leskovac was founded on May 13, 2021 and is owned by Erenli Kaucuk from Turkey.

This is a company which operates in the sector of production of rubber components for the automotive industries, says the agreement on the allocation of incentives.

Previously, state-owned land of 67,469 square meters in Leskovac was allocated without a compensation to the Turkish company Erenli.

The market value of the land amounts to around EUR 1.2 million, the Ministry of Finance estimated.

The plan is for mixtures to be produced and for a line for the production of plastic pipes to be launched at the new facility.

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