What is SMS Express service in Serbia?
Mobile communication has made to the top of the quickest information transport. SMS provider Starion with its new service has become more faster and more successfull. The new project SMS EXPRESS allows a simple communication by SMS with individuals or previously defined group of users of all operative networks of mobile services in Serbia. The messages are sent from computer, and the lines are simlpy entered from the keyboard, and the user or the group of users accepting the message choose from previousley defined lists which is very easier than through usage of mobile phones. The messages are cheaper than the price of SMS service which is paid by individual users and there are no fixed expanses for the usage of this service, only sent messages are being paid. Service is ment for organization who have needs for quick and efficient communication with their emploees, buyers, suppliers, clients, members, users. http://www.starionbgd.com/smsexpress/