Around 10,000 Workers Employed at 250 Greek Companies in Serbia – Possibilities for New Investments in Spa Tourism, Food Industry, Construction…

Source: eKapija Wednesday, 13.09.2023. 10:54
Illustration (Photo: Shutterstock/kudla)Illustration
The minister of labor, employment, veteran and social policy of Serbia, Nikola Selakovic, met with members of the Managing Board of the Hellenic Business Association of Serbia, which consists of representatives of big Greek companies in Serbia. Both sides emphasized that there was considerable room for improving the cooperation, especially regarding investments in spa tourism, food industry, construction, energy and other fields.

As the Government of Serbia announced, they said that there was a problem of the lack of workforce in Serbia, but that the same problem was present in most EU member states.

Selakovic reminded that, in the preceding six to seven years, the IT sector had developed rapidly and that Serbian citizens were returning to their country from other states all over the world in order to works in that sector.

Talking about the cooperation of Serbia and Greece, Selakovic pointed out that the two states had traditionally friendly relations and that they had good economic cooperation.

The minister pointed out that an increasing number of Greek companies was present in Serbia, as shown by the number of people employed by those companies.

The members of the Managing Board of the Hellenic Business Association of Serbia pointed out that close to 250 Greek companies operated in Serbia, employing around 10,000 workers, with a tendency of expansion.

They pointed out that Greek companies had been investing their capital in Serbia for over two decades, once again confirming the close relations of the two states on all levels.

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