Government of Serbia adopts Decision on issue of long-term government securities

Source: Beta Thursday, 06.06.2024. 15:47
Illustration (Photo: pictavio/Pixabay)Illustration
The Government of Serbia today adopted the Decision on the issue of long-term government securities in the international financial market within the updated GMTN program (Global Medium Term Notes Program).

The duration of the Program, as the Government announced, is one year and it enables a simplified process of bond clearing “which contributes to the efficiency of the transaction.”

– The issuing of the bonds within the Program enables an efficient management of the public debt and the presence of the Republic of Serbia in the international financial market – the announcement says.

It is added that green and socially sustainable bonds are a type of securities with which funds are exclusively used for the financing or refinancing of the existing, future or previous green and socially sustainable projects.

The bonds, with a maturity date of ten years, as said, are issued at a coupon rate of six percent in dollars, “with a considerable interest of investors from the whole world.”

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