Wanna play Tetris?
In the latest of a long line of stunts, pranksters at MIT converted the entire side of a high-rise building into what appeared to be a giant Tetris video game board last Friday.
Using the lights inside the Green Building, home to the school’s Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Department at 77 Massachusetts Ave., hackers lit up the building as if they were playing the famous Russian puzzle video game.
MIT’s media relations office said the school played no role in the hack, but videos of the prank have been surfacing on various websites in recent days, including a posting on an unofficial website about hacks at the school, http://hacks.mit.edu.
The hack is the latest in a series of pranks at the university, including the conversion of the Great Dome into the robot R2D2 in honor of the release of “Star Wars Episode I” and setting up a replica of a campus police car on the dome.