Future name of Internet domain for Serbia - either "RS" or "SP"
The Ministry of Science and Environment Protection suggested that the two-letter code of Serbia should be "RS" and that suggestion was forwarded yesterday (July 25, 2006) to the Government of Serbia.
For that reason, the discussion about codes of Serbia should be on the agenda of the tomorrow's meeting of the Republic Government. It is stated in the letter to the Government that the aforementioned Ministry was authorized for the two-letter code for Internet and that its proposal was confirmed in the media. That Ministry is not authorized for the three-letter codes, but the Government was informed on the wish of the public that code "SRB" be adopted, because it contains all consonants that are present in the majority of world languages.
In the meantime, acting director of the Institute for Standardization of Serbia, Ivan Krstić, asked general secretary of the International Standardization Organization (ISO) "to provide us with the certain time period for completion of all required consultations in the country".
Krstić also issued announcement that explains that the Institute suggested "SP" for the two-letter code and "SPA" for the three-letter code, but, in addition to the aforementioned, the two-letter code "RS", which directly and visually reminds of the official name of our country - Republic of Serbia, is also available.