Traffic across bridge near Beška is safe - Nikola Hajdin and Republic Directorate for Roads claim
The bridge near Beška is in good condition at the moment and transportation across the bridge is, so far, safe. The only thing that remains is commencement of rehabilitation - says Nikola Hajdin, president of Serbia Academy of Science and Arts.
Professor Hajdin was the member of Expert Jury composed by Republic Directorate for Roads in 2003. The task of the Jury was to decide for the best of the projects for bridge across the Danube near Beška, on the future left lane of Novi Sad - Belgrade highway.
Similar confirmations are sent by Republic Directorate for Roads where authorized persons claim that "the safety of the passenger who cross the bridge across the Danube is not endangered at the moment. Also, they announce forthcoming reconstruction of the bridge, which is "necessary". According to words of Milutin Štrbić, head of the Department for Highways of Republic Directorate for Roads, "complete structure of the bridge slipped down by some 40 cm". On that occasion, the bridge was closed.
Štrbić denied the claims of Marjan Rističević, mayor of Inđija, that "the bridge is in catastrophic condition" and that it will "soon fall".
- The elaboration of the project for rehabilitation is underway, whereas the works on rehabilitation of this bridge will start, most probably, in 2005. Concrete board beneath the asphalt will be refreshed and new fence and hydro-insulation installed.
He claims that the contract on loan of about €72m for rehabilitation of Bridge near Beška, construction of new one and rehabilitation of right lane of Novi Sad-Belgrade highway, should be signed until the end of May with European Bank for Rehabilitation and Development. Part of the works on rehabilitation should start this year and last for three years. Until then, Directorate advises that the bridge can be used, of course, with respect of speed limit.