Bus stations of company "EUROmodul" placed on 11 new locations in Šabac
Company "EUROmodul" placed 11 new bus stations during December 2006.
According to the words of the Manager of "EUROmodul", Milan Ćopić, the installed bus stations are made of inox (stainless steel) and hardened glass. Every bus station has an advertising showcase of "City light" type, bench, trash can and timetable.
Municipality of Šabac set the criteria in the open competition for installation of bus stations for public transportation in Šabac and "EUROmodul" bus stations satisfied wanted city planning criteria with their quality, functional and esthetic looks.
The concession for installation and use of bus stations have also been allotted to companies "Štampa sistem" and "Futura Plus", which signed the contracts on design and installation with company "EUROmodul", which is the leading manufacturer of city and advertising equipment on the market of southeast Europe.