Simpo steps out of blockade, production starts - The state takes over company and changes entire management?
Simpo has stepped out of the blockade which generates conditions to start
production in some plants as of September 15, first of all in Fabrika tapetarskih
proizvoda in Vranje and Fabrika duseka in Bujanovac, GM at Simpo, Sladjan
Disic, said for Tanjug.
He added that this week suppliers of key production materials from Serbia,
Slovenia, Bulgaria, Macedonia and other countries will visit the plant.
According to his words, in early September, there was a meeting of the Simpo’s
Shareholder Assembly where they decided on the seventh emission of shares for qualified
investor the Republic of Serbia at nominal share price of RSD 1.801,50 per share.
In order to stick to deadline for completion of conversion September 15, September
5 in the business center Simpo in Vranje, as he said, there was the meeting
between representatives of the Ministry of Trade, state secretary Dragan Stevanovic
and assistant minister, Milun Trivunac with representatives of Vranje and
municipalities Bujanovac and Trgoviste, where they agreed to speed up decision making
of assemblies of local self-governances on conversion of their claims into
state-owned capital.
In July, Simpo signed contract on debt settlement with banks.