WizzAir is planning flights from Nis
Mysterious airline with whichnegotiations have been in progress for the flights from Nis is HungarianWizzAir, the Government of Serbia confirmed it for Flightglobal.
In the text "WizzAir introduces flights from Nis",Flightglobal states that local authorities has been negotiating it for weeks but that they refuse to reveal the details because "it could jeopardize the process".
WizzAir did not want to give clear answer either.
The text says the estimation of the GM at "Konstantin Veliki" DraganaBugarinovic that the flights from Nis to France, Germany or Scandinavia wouldbe the most profitable.
Flightglobal reminds that a few airlines, not mentioning the names, asked theairport to install system for automatic place navigation which would amongother things enable landing in bad weather conditions. The investment isestimated at EUR 1.5 mil.
According to recent announcements of the mayor, Zoran Perisisc, and the representativesof the Government of Serbia, the required equipment has already been orderedand should arrive to Nis in mid October while the first flights are expected inMarch 2015.
There have been no flights from Nis-based airport, Konstantin Veliki. The last Montengro Airlines plane took off October 31 last year.