Are drunk drivers to lose their driving license permanently?
Preparation of the draft of the law on traffic safety has been in progress and some of more important penalties refer to drunk drivers.
Penalties will be more severe than they used to be. When it comes to driving drunk, proposal is to take driving license from these drivers forever, even a vehicle.
- The Ministry of internal affairs set up the commission preparing the Draft on changes and amendments of the law on traffic safety. The regulation which refers to vehicle taking away was mentioned before and it is definitely one of the potential penalties for the ones making most severe violations, i.e. for the ones driving in drunk condition or under the drug influence. It is for now one of the options and it is eft to see whether it will also be a part of the law - Zoran Alimpic from the Traffic Safety Agency says.
Apart from that, Alimpic says, new thing will also be certificate on professional competence of a driver-professional which should comply with the European directive which governs that field.
He adds that the law generally changed drivers’ behavior in a better way and decreased the number of the killed and hurt as well as the number of kids hurt.